Friday, October 21, 2011

Siding, roof, and windows for chicken coop

This was the cheapest particle board siding we could get. I just cut pieces in the most efficient way so that they would line up on studs and had proper holes for windows and doors and things and nailed them in. After cutting it without a mask, I was sick for a day or two from whatever glue got kicked up that holds the boards together. It was something like $10 for an 4X8 sheet, so it had to be not great in some way. I made sure to paint and seal the edges so I wouldn't have to worry about rotting too soon. 

The roof is just 4 strips of corrugated aluminum sheets with flashing added to make sure the edges didn't leak. Because I didn't have any convenient way to cut aluminum sheets cleanly, I designed the roof after having seen what sizes I could buy at Home Depot. Luckily what they had worked with my design, and I only had to overlap a wave or two and it all fit. I screwed it on with special screws that have a rubber washer that prevents moisture from seeping through the screw holes.

First window I have ever hung. It is a cheap $20 window from Home Depot, but it ended up being useful  for hanging a fan outside of and helping the chickens cool down in the summer. We have a thermometer in the coop to make sure that it doesn't get too hot for the chickens. I think I installed it backwards so we could open it from the outside. I'm not sure if I put it in right, I just shimmed it till it was level and screwed it in. 

I decided to add this clerestory because it looked good and would provide ventilation. I just stapled window screening up to it, and left it like that. I will put up some sort of cover for when it gets too cold.

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