Here are views of the finished chicken coop. I am very pleased that it looks great, and works perfectly, is easy to clean and the chickens love it and use it as planned.
Usually the coop is left like this, with the big door closed, and the chicken door open so they can enter and leave to lay eggs when they want. |
The final decorated nesting box doors. It is easy to just open them and check for eggs. |
Here is a view of the finished nesting boxes. The roosting box and pole ended up conveniently fitting above the boxes under the window, and this is where all the chickens line up to sleep at night, in a nice row. They jump on the first roosting pole by the door and use that to fly up to the higher box where they feel safer. The higher box is easy to scoop out and clean and keeps most of the ground fairly clean. |
You can see the first roosting pole by the door here, and the larger roosting area where they all sit. It is at an angle because I didn't intend to make it a roosting area until I realized that the chickens would be sitting and making a mess on top of the nesting boxes anyways, and it ended up being a nice solution. |
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